Thursday, April 13, 2017



1.1. How to install Oracle Database 11g on windows 7
1.2. How To install SQL Developer on windows 7
1.3. How to enable Line numbers in SQl Developer.
1.4. Database connectivity using SQL developer and command prompt
1.5. How to retrieve Data Using SQL SELECT statement
1.6. How to use Concatenation Operator, Character String
1.7. SQL DISTINCT keyword
1.8. SQL DISTINCT with multiple columns |SQL Distinct with Two columns
1.9. What is archive log mode and how to enable archive log mode
1.10. SQL Single Row Function
1.11. SQL case manipulation functions
1.12. SQL Concat Function
1.13. SQL substr function
1.14. How to CREATE TABLE using sql developer and command prompt
1.15. How To CREATE TABLE using enterprise manager 11g
1.16. How to uninstall oracle 11g from windows 7 64 bit

2.1. SQL Primary Key constraint, Drop primary Key
2.2. Foreign Key Constraint
2.3. ON DELETE SET NULL clause of Foreign Key
2.4. On Delete Cascade Foreign Key
2.5. How To Rename Table in SQL using ALTER TABLE statement
2.6. How to Add / Delete column from an existing table using alter table
2.7. Rename and Modify Column Using Alter Table
2.8. SQL Joins- Natural Join With ON and USING clause
2.9. How to install Oracle Database 11g Express Edition R2 on Windows 7
2.10. Introduction of Joins in SQL
2.11. Right Outer Join in SQL for Rebellion Rider
2.12. Left Outer Join
2.13. Full Outer Join with example
2.14. Inner Join In SQL
2.15. Cross Join In SQL

3.1. How To Insert Data into a Table Using SQL Developer
3.2. How To Insert Data into a Table Using SQL INSERT INTO dml statement
3.3. How to copy /Insert data into a table from another table using INSERT INTO SELECT
3.4. DELETE and TRUNCATE how to delete data from a table
3.5. How to create database using database configuration assistant DBCA
3.6. How to create NEW USER account using Create User statement in Oracle database
3.7. How to create user using SQL Developer in Oracle database
3.8. How to create user in oracle using Enterprise Manager
3.9. DBA Trick, How to drop a user when it is connected to the database
3.10. How to UNLOCK USER in oracle Database
3.11. How to Unlock user using SQL Developer
3.12. How to create an EXTERNAL USER in oracle database
3.13. How to import data from Microsoft Excel to Oracle Database using SQL Developer
3.14. Introduction to user Privileges in Oracle Database
3.15. What are System Privileges & How To Grant them using Data Control Language
3.16.. How to Grant Object Privileges With Grant Option in Oracle Database
3.17. Role in Oracle Database (10 SQL quaries to explain the concept of create roles)

4.1. CASE - Simple Case Expression in Oracle Database (1/2)
4.2. CASE - Searched Case Expression In Oracle (2/2)
4.3. DECODE function in Oracle Database
4.4. Data Pump expdp - How to Export full database using expdp
4.5. How to Export tablespace in Oracle Database
4.6. How to Export Schemas in Oracle Database
4.7. How to export tables using PARFILE
4.8. Data Pump impdp table and Duplicate (Remap_table ) table
4.9. How to import table in different user/schema
4.10. How To Import Schema using REMAP_SCHEMA in impdp Data Pump Import
4.11. IMPDP Data Pump Import - SQLFILE parameter

5.1. SQL View in Oracle Database
5.2. SEQUENCE in Oracle Database
5.3. Indexes In Oracle Database
5.4. Tablespace In Oracle Database Introduction
5.5. How To Create Permanent tablespace (Big file and small file)
5.6. How to create temporary tablespace in oracle database
5.7. How To Create Undo Tablespace
5.8. How to create Tablespace using SQL Developer
5.9. Union and Union All SQL Set Operator In Oracle Database
5.10. Intersect and Minus SQL set operators
5.11. The network adapter could not establish the connection
5.12. LPAD and RPAD SQL Function
5.13. NVL SQL NULL function
5.14. NVL2 SQL NULL function
5.15. SQL COALESCE Function In oracle Database
5.16. How to Install Oracle Database 11g on Windows 10 Professional 64 bit

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