Friday, September 16, 2016

SAP Sybase ASE Start & Stop Server


While working on Installation of SAP Netweaver 7.40 on SYBASE DB ASE 16 PL5 on Linux OS, i have faced multiple errors. i thought it should be worth sharing to you all.
Mount Point requirement.
Sybase store all the database related binaries on /sybase/(SID) mount point. This mount point should be big enough to handle all the temp DB device, log data, log device, sybtemp, saptemp & other log files. Minimum – 20 GB, during installation it will ask you multiple inputs.
sapdata_1 & sapdata_2 – depends on your DB size. minimum – 150 GB each
saplog_1 – depends on log size. minimum – 100 GB
During installation, i stuck on database configuration & other steps, where i need to stop & start the SYBASE DB, there are 2 ways to perform the same (may be more) as i aware.
1. SYBASE Control Center
2. isql
I was working on isql to start stop my DB. (Please note once SAP installed successfully, “sa” user will lock automatically & only “sapsa” user will login. if you want to use “sa” user you need to unlock the same from isql command.
it’s recommended to start / stop DB from sap command only. (startsap DB / stopsap DB)
But if you have only installed Sybase DB so here is the way to start & stop through isql. here “sa” user will work because we have not installed SAP yet.
Stopping the SYBASE DB in Linux.
isql -Usa -Ppassword -S DBSID
2> shutdown
3> go
the above command will stop the SYBASE server & show the below output. now you cannot login into isql as server is down.
Msg 2812, Level 16, State 5:
Server ‘SID’, Line 1:
Stored procedure ‘help’ not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to
check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).
Server SHUTDOWN by request.
ASE is terminating this process.
ct_results(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect
Starting the SYBASE DB in Linux
for starting you need to go install folder, that install folder is in your SYBASE_HOME. usually at below location.
once you trigger the above command, SYBASE DB will start successfully & you can verify the process.
In Windows you can stop/start SYBASE DB by Windows Services.