Thursday, September 1, 2016

How to reset the HANA SYSTEM User password.


Requirement: You need to reset SYSTEM user password and do not have any other user with system privilege USER ADMIN role assigned.

Prerequisites : You need password of <SID>ADM user.

Steps :

1) Login to your HANA host using <SID>adm user. If you do not have password of <SID>adm user
then you can use root like user to reset <SID>adm password at OS level.
2) Stop the HANA database by using command "HDB stop".
3) Now we will start Name server and Compiler server in batch mode.
4) Execute command hdbnameserver &  and press enter to get the shell prompt again.
5) Execute command hdbcompileserver &  and press enter to get the shell prompt again.
6) Now we will start index server in console mode so that we can issue the password reset SQL,execute command : hdbindexserver –console
6) When you see Service started message then press enter and execute following SQL.
      ALTER  USER SYSTEM PASSWORD Ina123  //Ina123 is password in our case, you can choose your own.

7) Now your password is reset , press CTRL-C to stop the indexserver console mode and kill the hdbnameserver and hdbcomplie server process.

8) To kill the name server and complie server , Check their OS level process by executing  "ps -eaf| grep <sid>adm" and execute the kill command.

9 ) Now start HANA by executing "HDB start" and try to connect using HANA studio or hdbsql with new SYSTEM user password.

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