Friday, September 16, 2016

SUM-SAP ECC 6.0 EHP Upgrade errors and solutions

SUM-SAP ECC 6.0 EHP Upgrade errors and solutions

SAP ECC system EHP 4.0 to EHp 5.0.

-> EHP 5.0 requires Netweaver 7.0 EHP 2.0. As this is not a release upgrade but it still requires lot of efforts & time to complete, that’s why it’s call upgrade.

-> Generate the STACK.xml file from SOLMAN system .

Before starting EHP upgrade always prepare a download directory and keep your all downloaded SAR & stack.xml  files in same directory.
During upgrade sometimes EHP got hangs and when feel it’s not working, so please check abap/log or abap/tmp for any log or errors.

Below is the quick glance of errors which will help to fix during upgrade if any issues

Go through this below SAP note before starting EHP upgrade.

1302772 - General Installation Note

1.  Extraction Phase – Missing Notes – It will show you some missing notes. you have to import SAP notes in your ECC 6.0 EHP 4.0 system via SNOTE to continue.
(some notes can only be applied in client 000 & can also requires functional people so make sure during note implementation you get confirmation from functional team)

Also do SPAM Version Check –  To avoid this error update your SPAM to latest before starting upgrade or else as per suggested while upgrade need to be update.

If you are oracle it will ask for 11.

so need to upgrade 11.

then continue to upgrade EHP

then got error environment variable are not properly set version of the database client which used by the new tools.

Also we found error's in log => NLS_LENGTH_SEMENTICS='CHAR'

To fix this issue we have set NLS_LENGTH_SEMENTICS='BYTE'

Note 1407071 - DDIC inconsistencies due to NLS_LENGHT_SEMANTICS = CHAR
Note 1412123 - Check NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS

2. Configuration Phase – Include Change Request – if you want to include any change request to be imported during upgrade to give details otherwise
continue to skip this option.

3. Configuration Phase –
faced conect failed due to DbSL load lib failure

So download latest R3trans, tp & libdbsl(dbsoralib.dll) from Marketplace and extracts it to EHPI/abap/exenew & EHPI/abap/exe dir.
This is the place where your new/extracted kernel resides, recheck that you are downloading the right R3trans & tp for your new kernel
and also check R3trans -d( it should finish with 000) from your new kernel dir( i. e. abap/exe or abap/exenew)

4. Check Phase – Errors – Create Tablespace PSAPSR3702 with <given space>. This is the manual activity.
you have to complete this activity via BRtools. You also get one file with name “ORATBSXT.LST”  in abap/log, in this file
you will find how to create tablespace with recommended size.

5. Pre processing Phase –  Open repairs found – If your system is development system or any unreleased requests are there so release it or before proceed.

6. Pre processing Phase – MAIN_INIT/JOB_RSVBCHCK2 were Negative– Check log file and find the errors. this error occurs if you have any update request pending in SM13 or any outbound queue pending in SMQ1. Delete all the request from SM13 & SMQ1 and proceed. if it’s still giving error also run report RMCEX_SETUP_ENTRIES and delete the structural data or call transaction LBWG to delete the contents of the setup table  for all clients. Also check this SCN post

7. Pre processing Phase – Lock development – This option will lock your development system for future development till upgrade.

8. Pre processing Phase – MAIN_SHADOW/START_SHDI_FIRST – failed to start shadow instance, check log file STARTFSI.log & DEVTRACE.log. usually this error occurs where there is short memory. in our case we check that if we down our main instance then shadow instance get up. both are not working simultaneously. we insert the parameter in shadow instance profile. (abap/heap_area_total = 2000000000) and also set the recommend page file size and restart the shadow instance. also check this SCN post –

9. Pre processing Phase – ACT_UPG – in our case ACT_UPG phase takes more then 12 hours to complete.

10.  Take full backup before downtime starts.

11. Downtime Phase – MAIN_SWITCH/KX_SWITCH_1 –  check log files, in our case EHPi fails to copy to 2 kernel files from exenew dir to /usr/sap/<SID>/…. we manually copy that 2 files and proceed.

12. Downtime Phase – MAIN_NEWBAS/STARTSAP_NBAS! –  check log files, in our case SAP error reading our instance profile from /usr/sap/<SID>/sys/profile. There was junk character in the profile but after removing that character EHPi again not able to read the profile so we copy the contents of our instance profile and create a new instance profile and then proceed.

13.  No more Errors in Downtime & Post Processing Phase.

Then completed ECC 6.0 EHp 4.0 to EHp 5.0 successfully.

14. Perform the post steps.

Download SUM

Download and install the latest SAP host agent version according to the SAP note 2130510 - SAP Host Agent 7.21
For known errors check  the SAP note 1113545 - Problems with SAP Host Agent

Extract SUM under \usr\sap\<sapsid>: :
WINDOWS: SAPCAR –xf <download directory>\<path>\<Archive>.SAR -R <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\<sapsid>
UNIX: SAPCAR –xf <download directory>/<path>/<Archive>.SAR -R /usr/sap/<sid>

Register SUM to hostagent as user root (UNIX)

See the Section "Registering SUM in SAP Host Agent" in the relevant SUM guide as the command can be different depending on the Source and Target of the upgrade

Start SUM SL Common UI and background processes

ABAP only: In the web browser enter https://<hostname>:1129/lmsl/sumabap/<SID>/doc/sluigui
ABAP+JAVA (e.g. Solman): In the web browser enter https://<hostname>:1129/lmsl/sumjava/<SID>/dual.html
JAVA  only  In the web browser enter https://<hostname>:1129/lmsl/sumjava/<SID>/index.html

Enter <sid>adm user/password to control the SUM tool

Stoping SUM tool:

A. Temporary stop to correct an error:
- Click on the Cancel button and close the browser window, it stops SL Common UI and the SUM background processes
- Closing the web browser tab page only closes the user interface

B. Stop and cleanup after finishing SUM or after reset:
- Close all browser windows connected with SL Common UI
- Search for all SAPup processes using the following command:
UNIX: ps -ef | grep SAPup
kill <PID>
WINDOWS: in Task manager search for SAPup.exe processes and terminate them

Optional: If the hostagent has to be restarted, execute

WINDOWS: <HOSTAGENT directory>\exe\saphostexec -restart ( e.g. C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\saphostexec -restart )
UNIX: <HOSTAGENT directory>/exe/saphostexec -restart (e.g. /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -restart )

II. Please follow the SAP KBA  2284028 - SUM SL Common UI : Troubleshooting problems with the new SUM UI
III. Follow the wiki page (LVM) SAP Host Agent Operation Fails

Problems with SAPinst and SAPup/SUM:

The SAPinst installation protocol files are located here:
Unix: /tmp/sapinst_instdir
Microsoft Windows: <drive>:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir
Check the content of file sapinst_dev.log (detailed information) or sapinst.log.
Depending on the tool which is used for upgrade the protocol files are located in the following directories:
Unix: /usr/sap/<SID>/upg/abap/log
Unix: /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/abap/log
Microsoft Windows: <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SUM\abap\log
The dev_*.log protocol files could be helpful as well for error analysis. You'll find these files for example in /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/abap/<SID>/DVEBMGS<SYS>/work

Problems with R3SETUP or LCSETUP:

In the installation directory you can find several template and protocol files of the installation. In file <TEMPLATE>.log you can find information about the step in which the error occured and what kind of an error it was (<TEMPLATE>: e.g. DBUPDATE or LCINST)
In file <TEMPLATE>.R3S or <TEMPLATE>.TPL all steps of the migration/installation are listed - sorted alphabetically. The step in which the error occured is marked with STATUS=ERROR. There you can see e.g. which command should have been executed and with which options.
In file XCMDOUT.log you can get detailed information about the problem if it occured when a database tool was used (e.g. during command dbmcli -d <database_name> -u <dbm_operator>,<password> db_state).
In case of a database error you should check the SAP MaxDB log files.

Few more upgrade errors and solutions


SUM SP16 SP12 or lower:
SUM UI was closed and after entering the sluigui link and sidadm password the following popup is showing up:
"Unable to predict current status of process."

Please refer to KBA 2363118 - Unable to predict current status of process.


After starting SUM in the browser following error is reported:
EXECUTING /usr/sap/M32/SUM/abap/bin/SAPup
Assertion failed: CurrentModuleDef != NULL, file SAPupmodule.c, line
*** FATAL: Got signal 'SIGABRT' (6)! Please contact the SAP support!
*** FATAL: SAPup got signal in phase '', stack trace written to dev_SAPup.

Please refer to  KBA 2363090 - FATAL: Got signal 'SIGABRT' (6)! Please contact the SAP support! - SUM 1.0 SP16 PL8 or lower


During access to the SL Common UI of the Software Upgrade Manager (SUM) via the SAP Host Agent with these URLS,
HTTP: http://<hostname>:1128/lmsl/<SUM-URL>
HTTPS: https://<hostname>:1129/lmsl/<SUM-URL>
these error messages are displayed in the browser:
Firefox: "File not found"
Internet Explorer: "The webpage cannot be found"
Google Chrome: "Unable to locate the requested resource"

Please apply the newest SAP Host Agent version 7.21 PL 11 according to the SAP note 2293992 - Error when accessing SL Common UI of SUM via SAP Host Agent
and the SAP note  2293960 - Upgrade to SAP Host Agent 7.21 Patch 11


While running SUM error  Internal Server Error (Status 500) is displayed in the browser unexpectedly.
Issue has been seen coming post dialog completion in the following phases:
As soon as you enter the values asked in the dialog displayed (Passwords for user DDIC/DB users are entered here) and click 'Next' - Error is displayed. On checking the Phase log (PROFREAD.LOG or SAPUpConsole.log), you shall observe only Network connect errors displayed in the logs like below:
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Error in network interface: NIECONN_BROKEN
Error processing dialog 'Passwords'
*** FATAL ERROR: Error in network interface: NIEINVAL (0/1783 written)
Error processing dialog 'PhaseDecision'
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Error in network interface: NIEINVAL (0/92 written)

Please follow the SAP KBA 2274621 - SUM Internal Server Error (Status 500) - Phase PROFREAD or INSTANCELIST_PRE - NIECONN_BROKEN


when starting the SL Common UI with the URL, you are prompted for the credentials,  after that there is an error in the browser that the page cannot be opened or page not found
(depending on the browser version).


2262728 - “SAP Host Agent or hdblcm error occurred” When Loading HDBLCM or running SUM


When running SUM during the upgrade the task list shows no information

2302775 - SUM 1.0 SP 16  Task List during the upgrade shows no information. The issue is fixed in SUM 1.0 SP16 PL 6 or higher.


After executing the command
d:\usr\sap\SID\SUM\STARTUP.BAT confighostagent
to register SUM in saphostagent, the following error is reported:

C:\usr\sap\SID\SUM>.\startup.bat  confighostagent
**** The SID: SID is detected from <SID>ADM user. ****
**** Configuring SUM Abap ... ****
D:\usr\sap\SID\SUM\startup.js(138, 2) WshShell.RegRead: Invalid root in registry
 key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SAP


The SAP Host Agent is not installed. Please follow the
SAP note  2130510 - SAP Host Agent 7.21


After SUM reaches the CHECKS Roadmap Step,(Step 5.1) Running some transactions, such as BP produces a syntax error.

Runtime Errors         SYNTAX_ERROR
Date and Time          05/08/2015 10:57:09
 Short text
     Syntax error in program "SAPLSUG2 ".
 What happened?
     Error in the ABAP Application Program
     The current ABAP program "SAPLFSBP_SWITCH_USAGE" had to be terminated becauseit has
     come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
     The following syntax error occurred in program "SAPLSUG2 " in include "LSUG2U04" in
     line 71:
     "Field "GC_RELEASE_UNKNOWN" is unknown. It is neither in one of the spe"
     "cified tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement. "DATA" statement."

Probably cause during the uptime, the upgrade tool needs to update some code that is only suppose to be used by the upgrade tool on the main instance. Unfortunately,
this particular code was also referenced by other components. Specifically RSUGSINC causes this issue

Reset the current run of upgrade. Implement SAP Note 1766587 and 1768517 and then restart the SUM from scratch.
A workaround is:
Modify the Include RSUGSINC:
replace line 31 in RSUGSINC (which is currently an empty line) with
You will need to provide a Developer key for this, as it is considered a modification.
If the object shows up in SPAU later please choose "return to SAP standard" to process the object.
and install SAP Host Agent.


Maintenance Strategy:

The Software Update Manager 1.0 SP14 is currently in patch on request.
The maintenance strategy for the Software Update Manager and the other tools delivered with SL Toolset 1.0 SP14 is described in the document attached to the SL Toolset 1.0 SPS 14 Release Note 2079036.

Before you start using the SUM tool, make sure you have the latest version of the corresponding document. The latest version is available on the SAP Help Portal at: -> System Maintenance. The version for SP14 is available on request.

Please refer below note

2084104 - Central Note - Software Update Manager 1.0 SP14


While applying patches/plug-in  through SPAM/SAINT if you get SUM was already in use

To rest that use below program: RSUPGRES

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sum tool to start


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